Manufacturing Career & Apprenticeship Readiness Please complete the form below to tell us a little more about yourself and gain access to the training module. * First Name: * Last Name: * Email: * City in which you live: * State in which you live: * County in which you live: * Zip Code: * Cell Phone Number: * How did you hear about this? Social MediaRadioLibraryBillboardPosterFriendCommunity OrganizationEmployerOther * If referred by an organization, please provide the name of the organization (if not, please put N/A): Gender: MaleFemaleNonbinaryDo Not Wish to Answer Age: 16-2424-3535-4545-5555+ Current employment status: Currently employedCurrently employed in manufacturingUnemployedStudent What is your current level of manufacturing knowledge? No knowledge of manufacturingKnowledge of manufacturing but not of careers, training, companiesVery knowledgeable of manufacturing and its careers, trainings, and companies Funded By